The IEEE RFID-TA 2022 Special Issue will contain EXTENDED VERSIONS of papers published in the IEEE RFID-TA 2022 Conference Proceedings. The manuscript MUST be significantly extended beyond the scope of the conference paper in terms of the overall TECHNICAL content and research results.
The submission deadline is December 1, 2022. Nevertheless, submissions well in advance with respect to the deadline are strongly encouraged, since the papers will be published in Early Access on IEEE Xplore as soon as they are accepted.
Submission deadline: DECEMBER 1, 2022
Publication of the Special Issue: Mid 2023
Publication on IEEE Xplore: in Early Access as soon as the paper is accepted
Submission guidelines
The following requirements must be satisfied when submitting the manuscript.
- The MANUSCRIPT MUST BE TECHNICALLY EXTENDED beyond the scope of the conference paper, as mentioned The novel contribution with respect to the conference paper has to be properly declared and possibly highlighted in a different colour. The conference paper must be listed as one of the references in the special-issue manuscript and clearly referred through the text.
- At the time of submission, the authors must provide in the COVER LETTER detailed information regarding how the manuscript is a technically-extended version of the proceedings
- A PDF copy of the conference paper must also be submitted.
The manuscript, together with the accompanying documents (i.e. cover letter, conference paper and IEEE copyright transfer form), must be submitted electronically using the Manuscript Central, according to the format described at
When uploading your manuscript click on “Manuscript Submission”. Then, at Step 1, select the type of your paper as “RFID-TA 2022”. This year, the special issue will collect also the extended papers presented at the “International Symposium on RFID and Electromagnetics for IoT” in the framework of SpliTech 2022 Conference. Subsequently, at Step 2, upload the COVER LETTER containing a detailed explanation of how the paper is technically extended beyond the scope of the conference paper and a copy of this as “Supplemental File for Review”. Failure to submit a detailed explanation of the technical extension and a PDF copy of the IEEE RFID-TA 2022 conference paper will result in the immediate return of the manuscript to the author(s) as an unacceptable submission.
For any question on the submission process, please contact the EIC, prof. Paolo NEPA, or the Guest Editors.
Guest Editors:
Prof. Giovanni Andrea CASULA Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy
Prof. Luca CATARINUCCI Dept. Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Prof. Alice BUFFI Dept. Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering,University of Pisa, Italy
The authors are kindly invited to inform the Guest Editors about their interest in submitting the extended manuscripts to the IEEE JRFID Special Issue.