CTO at Voyantic
Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
Abstract: RAIN RFID is starting to be mature technology, and looking back, we have already seen 18 years’ worth of various RAIN tag ICs. This includes products from dozens of manufacturers and altogether nearly one hundred individual tag chip models. During this time, there have been many trends and new features, such as high-memory tags, sensor tags, multi-protocol tags, and crypto tags, just to name a few.
In this presentation, we will highlight what there is to know about a tag chip. We will look at their key properties and how they are linked together, as well as how they have evolved during these years. We also attempt to make some predictions about the future. What is the ongoing global IC shortage teaching us? What are the current challenges and what are the possible solutions lurking around the corner?
Short Biography: Jesse Tuominen has 16 years of experience in RFID research and development, mainly in designing transponder and reader test systems. Since 2009 he has been the CTO at Voyantic, before which which he worked as a research scientist at the Helsinki University of Technology (currently Aalto University). Jesse did his PhD in the field of optical telecommunications in 2008 and before that his MSc in electronics in 2002. The main focus points currently are RF signals and protocols, antenna design, embedded systems, RF tranceivers, SDRs, and DSP.