Best Paper Award

Criteria: the IEEE RFID-TA 2023 Organizing Committee establish the IEEE RFID-TA 2023 Best Paper Award to recognize the authors who present at the conference the most interesting paper in terms of content and impact on RFID topics, originality, and clarity. The paper participating to the Best Student Paper Award cannot participate to the Best Paper Award competition.

Administration: the award will be administered by the RFID-TA 2023 Organizing Committee.

Eligibility: all accepted papers to IEEE RFID-TA 2023 Conference will partecipate to the Best Paper Award competition.

Award Announcement: the award announcements will be made at the RFID-TA 2023 closing ceremony.

Publicity: The winners of the IEEE RFID-TA 2023 award will be acknowledged on IEEE Xplore in a special page entitled: “Winners of the IEEE RFID-TA 2023 Award”.