Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (IEEE WISEE 2023) is seeking high-quality submissions for papers (from 2 to max 4 pages) on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments and adjacent topics. Full-day and half-day workshops are encouraged combining papers, presentations and tutorials to offer a forum for researchers, developers, and policy-makers to advance the state of the art of the WISEE topics. IEEE WISEE 2023 is an opportunity to share, discuss, and witness research results in all emerging areas of wireless and its applications



Topics of interest are, but are not limited to:

  • Active/ passive wireless sensors, systems, networks
  • Network arch., middleware, data management
  • Cognitive radio networks, emerging technologies
  • Wireless privacy, security, and routing techniques
  • Localization, detection, classification, and tracking
  • Non-Terrestrial networks (NTN)
  • Interplanetary networking (IPN)
  • Communication and Navigation systems for the Moon and Space esploration
  • Optical communication systems
  • Quantum communications
  • Availability, certification, spaceflight qualification
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Big data processing and data fusion techniques
  • Delay and disruption tolerant networks
  • Antenna design and processing
  • Propagation modeling and channel description
  • RFID devices and systems
  • Integrated vehicle systems and robotics
  • High speed, low latency, multi-stream data tech.
  • Wireless power transfer devices and systems
  • Solar power transfer


Full papers (2 to 4 pages), Presentation only (2 pages).
Accepted and presented full papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.

A Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of RFID will promote the most important results presented at the conference


Workshops proposal submission deadline: March 7, 2023

Notification of workshops acceptance: March 15, 2023

Paper Submission Deadline: May 30, 2023

Notification of acceptance: June 25, 2023

Final Paper Submission: July 9, 2023